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The Secret Play
(Bringing adaptive leadership & teamwork to life)

This framework is inspired from Larry's experiences with basketball.  Larry played at the United States Naval Academy.  After college, he played in various semi-professional leagues across the United States, Spain and the Philippines.  He now stays close to the game by coaching and training players.


As both a player and a coach of high performing and developing teams, Larry has experienced many life lessons through sports.  These experiences have informed his leadership style and teamwork approach.  He's synthesized this into his framework and it informs how he designs his engagements and experiences.


The Secret Play has two domains:  individual ownership and communal engagement.

Individual Ownership

Individual ownership is the actual work you do for your development.  This has two components:

  • Being in Position – represents the individual and group development journey to acquire the desired skills, capabilities and competencies

  • Being Ready – represents the consistent discipline that typically happens through different forms of practice


You have the best chance at making a "winning play" (having the desired impact) when you're consistently in position and ready.

Communal Engagement

Communal engagement is how you show up and its effect on others.  This has three components:

  • Teamwork – the practice of having a low self-orientation to align and be united

  • Inside out – represents the individual ownership (see above), consistently being in position and ready.  What you individually produce and express is an overflow of what you consume

  • Go "all in" – giving your best effort to embrace what you can control, influence what you cannot control and have no regrets with the outcomes


Showing up in this way with others gives you the best chance to multiply your collective impact.

How this comes to life

These mindsets typically influence how we show up:

  • Selfishness – orientation and priority to one's self at the expense of others

  • Fear – dread for the moment, triggering our fight, flight or freeze responses

  • Love – genuine care, empathy, trust and compassion for others.  Self-care

  • Courage – rising to the occasion to meet the moment

  • We have the power to choose how we show up


The Secret Play comes to life when you consistently show up with love and courage, while marginalizing fear and selfishness.  If you are not showing up the way you like,  just make a different choice.  As you choose differently, be accountable for the impact of your previous choice, learn from it and move into your new choice without shame or regret.

Hence, the "Secret Play" is not something you keep to yourself.  Rather, it is the secret to a life that's well-lived.

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